May 22, 2006

Wild Flowers

A wild rose, some lupin and daisies, wild lilac (deer brush); all wildflowers found in the Rogue Valley. Additional flowers include indian paint brush, lambs ear, and camis lily. While I personally have never been a flower enthusiast, these flowers seem to turn valleys, hills, forests, and mountains into impressionist paintings. Blossom bar, on the Rogue River Wild and Scenic section, attains fame for its wildflowers and the difficulty of passage. Passage is especially difficult when a boat obstructs the entrance. If you are curious about the Rogue River in general watch the movie, "River Wild."

May 21, 2006

Grants Pass Celebrates

The city of Grants Pass share some of the citizens' artistic talents every year. In previous years they have celebrated with colorful fire hydrants and entertaining bears. This year the theme is more patriotic. Put on by Evergreen bank, the display is lovely. I, however, miss the bears.

Osprey Coming Home

Osprey coming in to feed the young. This picture was taken on lower river road. Unfortunately I had already headed back to my car when the adult came in so the image quality is not the greatest.

May 14, 2006

Challenge and Change

This weekend I was reminded of my work in New York. There I developed challenge course programs and teambuilding activities for youth and adults. Many of the children had severe emotional or behavioral problems. My favorite moments occurred when they finally gathered themselves to take a risk.

Here in the Rogue Valley I see kids in similiar circumstance. As before I silently cheer them on to do great things.

May 13, 2006

A short trip

Today I took a short float down the Rogue. Flowers are blooming, animals are active, and the landscape is gorgeous. When my new camera arrives I will have to make a nice long test run between Hog's Creek and Galice Creek.

May 08, 2006

Crome Ridge

When you finish your trip along the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue River try to stay awake for the spectacular, and comical sights on your return car ride. Here is a picture of Crome Ridge, rich green mountains and brilliant blue skys dominate this little appreciated wonder.

Whitewater Rafting

Feel like a potted plant? Cell phone, internet, honking, deadlines, networking? Too plugged in to unplug? Starting to think that the bamboo plant on you desk has more freedom than you could ever aspire too?
Take the plunge.
When you are done you may just be inspired to take another trip to return your plant to the wild!

Union Creek

Big log. Nice to walk across. For some reason I do not remember if it was slippery or not. Union creek is not far from this location. My best memories of the area are of going up to play in the snow as a kid and getting hot chocolate at this little store during the winter. During the summer on our way back from Crater Lake we once stopped by a cafe across the road where they had great ice cream and pie.

May 07, 2006


I was driving home yesterday afternoon and caught sight of this rainbow. Reminding me of the rainbows created by waterfalls in this area, I have decided to pursue and describe some of the best waterfalls of the Rogue Valley.

If you have a favorite waterfall share what you most enjoy about the place.